🔍 Upwork - 🔥High Quality Job Scrapper
No credit card required
🔍 Upwork - 🔥High Quality Job Scrapper
No credit card required
This API performs web scraping on Upwork, providing real-time access to job listings from various categories. It fetches up to 50 job records at a time, delivering valuable details. The API is designed to deliver fresh data every 10 minutes, ensuring you always have the latest job postings.
Scrape Upwork Job Listings in Python
This template enables fast scraping of job listings from Upwork. It quickly extracts key job data such as:
** Job title ** Category ** Budget ** Job description ** Skills ** Job level ** Published date ** More...
Using HTTPX for fast page fetching and Beautiful Soup for parsing, the data is stored in a dataset for easy access.
Key Features
** Fast scraping of job listings from Upwork. ** Extracts important fields like job title, category, budget, and skills. ** Apify SDK for Python for building efficient scrapers. ** Data stored in a dataset for easy processing and access.
Actor Metrics
19 monthly users
1 bookmark
>99% runs succeeded
Created in Jan 2025
Modified a month ago