Apify for Enterprise

Accurate, reliable, and compliant web data for your business. From any website. At any scale.

Powering the world’s top data-driven teams

Get data today. Not in months.

Launch new products, analytics, and train your AI models faster than the competition thanks to ready-made Actors.

Google Maps Extractor avatar

Google Maps Extractor


Extract data from hundreds of places fast. Scrape Google Maps by keyword, category, location, URLs & other filters. Get addresses, contact info, opening hours, popular times, prices, menus & more. Export scraped data, run the scraper via API, schedule and monitor runs, or integrate with other tools.

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Website Content Crawler avatar

Website Content Crawler


Crawl websites and extract text content to feed AI models, LLM applications, vector databases, or RAG pipelines. The Actor supports rich formatting using Markdown, cleans the HTML, downloads files, and integrates well with 🦜🔗LangChain, LlamaIndex, and the wider LLM ecosystem.

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TikTok Data Extractor avatar

TikTok Data Extractor


Extract data about videos, users, and channels based on hashtags or scrape full user profiles including posts, total likes, name, nickname, numbers of comments, shares, followers, following, and more.

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Facebook Posts Scraper avatar

Facebook Posts Scraper


Extract data from hundreds of Facebook posts from one or multiple Facebook pages and profiles. Get post URL, post text, page or profile URL, timestamp, number of likes, shares, comments, and more. Download the data in JSON, CSV, and Excel and use it in apps, spreadsheets, and reports.

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Cheerio Scraper avatar

Cheerio Scraper


Crawls websites using raw HTTP requests, parses the HTML with the Cheerio library, and extracts data from the pages using a Node.js code. Supports both recursive crawling and lists of URLs. This actor is a high-performance alternative to apify/web-scraper for websites that do not require JavaScript.

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Instagram Scraper avatar

Instagram Scraper


Scrape and download Instagram posts, profiles, places, hashtags, photos, and comments. Get data from Instagram using one or more Instagram URLs or search queries. Export scraped data, run the scraper via API, schedule and monitor runs or integrate with other tools.

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Want us to build a scraper for you?

We can build a complete end-to-end solution or help you migrate your existing scrapers to Apify.

Don’t spend a minute on blocking

Actors are made to avoid blocking. Don’t spend time managing proxies, fingerprints, and other unblocking infrastructure. Get clean, structured data.

Keep your developers focused

Even the best web scrapers break when websites change. Apify developers fix Actors, so that your developers can focus on building your product.

Pay only for valid data

Most Actors have no fixed fee. Start with a credit card, scale when you need to, and reduce your total cost of ownership by paying only for successfully collected data.

Integrate with any system

Start your scrapers from any application, and send your data to any destination thanks to our native integrations, API, and webhooks.

Need data for AI?

Apify Store has the largest selection of ready-to-integrate Actors. From building AI agents to RAG, Actors can reliably get data where other solutions fail.

Get data for Gen AI

Rely on expert assistance

Web scraping comes with technological, operational, and legal challenges. We’ll advise and guide you through them.

Tailored onboarding and training

We care about your time to value and ROI. From initial setup to scaling your operations, our team will always be there to help you succeed.

Custom development and integrations

Your engineering resources are precious. Our professional services team is ready to build and manage custom web scrapers, integrations and even complete web data products. SLA available.

Legacy web scraper migration

Replace hard to maintain, fragmented infrastructure and reduce total cost of ownership by migrating your web scrapers to a purpose-built platform.

Control your web scraping operations

Stay secure and compliant, keep your costs under control, and ensure optimal performance of your web scrapers.

Enterprise-grade compliance and security

Apify is 99.9% available, SOC2-ready and GDPR and CCPA compliant. Your data will always be safe and ready to use.

Integrated web scraper observability stack

Ensure maximum data accuracy with Actor monitoring. Validate data while being scraped, monitor web scraper performance and set up custom alerts all in one platform.

In-depth cost monitoring

Understand the costs of every single scrape and focus your optimization efforts where they matter the most.

Reach out to our experts

Get in touch with our web scraping professionals and see how Apify can help your business make data-based decisions.