📩📍 Google Maps Email Extractor
Pay $9.00 for 1,000 Results
📩📍 Google Maps Email Extractor
Pay $9.00 for 1,000 Results
Extract Google Maps contact details. Scrape websites of Google Maps places for contact details and get email addresses, website, location, address, zipcode, phone number, social media links. Export scraped data, run the scraper via API, schedule and monitor runs or integrate with other tools.
Do you want to learn more about this Actor?
Get a demo🔍 Search term(s)
Type what you want to search for as you would write it into the Google Maps search bar, e.g. restaurant
or pet shelter
. The search terms should be unique because each requires the same processing time. Using similar terms is less efficient because of overlap but can slightly increase the capture rate (e.g. bar
vs restaurant
vs cafe
Putting location directly into search terms, e.g. restaurant Pittsburgh
, is not recommended because you will only get max 120 results per search (Google's scrolling limit on a single search) but it can be done for speed. You can also use direct place IDs here in the format place_id:ChIJ8_JBApXMDUcRDzXcYUPTGUY
. See the detailed description
📍 Location (only use ONE location at a time)
Free text location definition. Generally, simpler locations work better, e.g. prefer using city and country, not city, country and state. Use OpenStreeMap webapp for visual validation of the exact covered area. Cities usually don't include agglomeration area. If you need that, use a customGeolocation
input instead. If you use Zip codes, you must use them with country name (not city name!). You can always fallback to Geolocation section where you can select country
, state
, county
, city
and postalCode
. Keep in mind that Location
has always preference of these.
Number of places per each search term/URL
This is the maximum number of results you will obtain for each search term or URL.
A higher number will take longer to scrape. If you want to scrape all places available, set this value to 9999999
Results will show in this language.
Value options:
"en": string"af": string"az": string"id": string"ms": string"bs": string"ca": string"cs": string"da": string"de": string"et": string"es": string"es-419": string"eu": string"fil": string"fr": string"gl": string"hr": string"zu": string"is": string"it": string"sw": string"lv": string"lt": string"hu": string"nl": string"no": string"uz": string"pl": string"pt-BR": string"pt-PT": string"ro": string"sq": string"sk": string"sl": string"fi": string"sv": string"vi": string"tr": string"el": string"bg": string"ky": string"kk": string"mk": string"mn": string"ru": string"sr": string"uk": string"ka": string"hy": string"iw": string"ur": string"ar": string"fa": string"am": string"ne": string"hi": string"mr": string"bn": string"pa": string"gu": string"ta": string"te": string"kn": string"ml": string"si": string"th": string"lo": string"my": string"km": string"ko": string"ja": string"zh-CN": string"zh-TW": string
Default value of this property is "en"
🗺 Country (combine with other geolocation parameters or the scraper will scan the whole country!)
Set the country where the search should be carried out, e.g., United States
. Warning: if used without city or other geolocation parameters, the scraper will scan the whole country!
Currently, the scraper doesn't work well for full-country searching of sparsely populated countries like the United States or Russia. For these, search city by city or focus on populated states.
Value options:
"us": string"af": string"al": string"dz": string"as": string"ad": string"ao": string"ai": string"aq": string"ag": string"ar": string"am": string"aw": string"au": string"at": string"az": string"bs": string"bh": string"bd": string"bb": string"by": string"be": string"bz": string"bj": string"bm": string"bt": string"bo": string"ba": string"bw": string"bv": string"br": string"io": string"bn": string"bg": string"bf": string"bi": string"kh": string"cm": string"ca": string"cv": string"ky": string"cf": string"td": string"cl": string"cn": string"cx": string"cc": string"co": string"km": string"cg": string"cd": string"ck": string"cr": string"ci": string"hr": string"cu": string"cy": string"cz": string"dk": string"dj": string"dm": string"do": string"ec": string"eg": string"sv": string"gq": string"er": string"ee": string"et": string"fk": string"fo": string"fj": string"fi": string"fr": string"gf": string"pf": string"tf": string"ga": string"gm": string"ge": string"de": string"gh": string"gi": string"gr": string"gl": string"gd": string"gp": string"gu": string"gt": string"gn": string"gw": string"gy": string"ht": string"hm": string"va": string"hn": string"hk": string"hu": string"is": string"in": string"id": string"ir": string"iq": string"ie": string"il": string"it": string"jm": string"jp": string"jo": string"kz": string"ke": string"ki": string"kp": string"kr": string"kw": string"kg": string"la": string"lv": string"lb": string"ls": string"lr": string"ly": string"li": string"lt": string"lu": string"mo": string"mk": string"mg": string"mw": string"my": string"mv": string"ml": string"mt": string"mh": string"mq": string"mr": string"mu": string"yt": string"mx": string"fm": string"md": string"mc": string"mn": string"me": string"ms": string"ma": string"mz": string"mm": string"na": string"nr": string"np": string"nl": string"an": string"nc": string"nz": string"ni": string"ne": string"ng": string"nu": string"nf": string"mp": string"no": string"om": string"pk": string"pw": string"ps": string"pa": string"pg": string"py": string"pe": string"ph": string"pn": string"pl": string"pt": string"pr": string"qa": string"re": string"ro": string"ru": string"rw": string"sh": string"kn": string"lc": string"pm": string"vc": string"ws": string"sm": string"st": string"sa": string"sn": string"rs": string"sc": string"sl": string"sg": string"sk": string"si": string"sb": string"so": string"za": string"gs": string"ss": string"es": string"lk": string"sd": string"sr": string"sj": string"sz": string"se": string"ch": string"sy": string"tw": string"tj": string"tz": string"th": string"tl": string"tg": string"tk": string"to": string"tt": string"tn": string"tr": string"tm": string"tc": string"tv": string"ug": string"ua": string"ae": string"gb": string"um": string"uy": string"uz": string"vu": string"ve": string"vn": string"vg": string"vi": string"wf": string"eh": string"ye": string"zm": string"zw": string
📍 City (only enter ONE city name, without state or country!)
Enter the city where the search should be carried out, e.g., Pittsburgh
. Warning: just add a single city and don't add state or country here.
State (combine with other geolocation inputs or the scraper will scan the whole state!)
Set a state where the search should be carried out, e.g. Massachusetts
(mainly for US addresses).
US county (combine with other geolocation inputs or the scraper will scan the whole county!)
Set the US county where the search should be carried out, e.g., Madison
Postal code (Enter only ONE postal code. Combine with country, not city)
Set the postal code of the area where the search should be carried out, e.g., 10001
. Select a country as well to ensure the correct postal code is used.
Warning: you can only input one postal code at a time.
🛰 Custom search area (coordinate order must be: [longitude, latitude])
Only selected categories
You can filter places by categories. It can be a general one, e.g. restaurant
, which would accept all places with categories containing restaurant
e.g. Mexican restaurant
, or it can be more specific, e.g. indian restaurant
accepts only places with category Indian restaurant
. Categories are dangerous! See the detailed description. Filtering by categories currently works only for english language. Here you can see list of all supported categories.
Title must match search term
Restrict what places are scraped based on matching their title with provided search term
Value options:
"all": string"only_includes": string"only_exact": string
Default value of this property is "all"
⭐️ Place minimum stars
Only scrape places with a rating of at least the number of selected stars. Places without any reviews are skipped as well. Be aware that limiting by reviews lowers places found per credits spent because many places are discarded.
Value options:
"two": string"twoAndHalf": string"three": string"threeAndHalf": string"four": string"fourAndHalf": string
Default value of this property is ""
⏩ Skip closed places
Skips places that are marked as temporary or permanently closed. This is useful if you want to get only places that are currently open.
Default value of this property is false
Skip places based on having a website
This is useful if you want to get only places that either have or don't have a website. This option is disabled by default
Value options:
"allPlaces": string"withWebsite": string"withoutWebsite": string
Default value of this property is "allPlaces"
Start URLs
Max 300 results per search URL. To overcome this limit, use geolocation parameters in 📡 Define the search area section above ↑
Copy URLs directly from Google Maps places and paste them here. Leave empty if you have already filled the 🔍 Search term field.
Valid format for URLs contains /maps/search
. This Actor also supports uncommon formats: google.com?cid=***
, goo.gl/maps
, and custom place list URL.
Actor Metrics
2.8k monthly users
325 stars
97% runs succeeded
2.5 days response time
Created in Apr 2023
Modified 2 days ago