Twitter/X Hashtag Scraper: Support Sentiment&Tone Analyzer 2025 avatar

Twitter/X Hashtag Scraper: Support Sentiment&Tone Analyzer 2025

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Twitter/X Hashtag Scraper: Support Sentiment&Tone Analyzer 2025

Twitter/X Hashtag Scraper: Support Sentiment&Tone Analyzer 2025

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30 minutes trial then $9.99/month - No credit card required now

Get 1,000 results for just $0.01! Introducing the Twitter Hashtag Fast Scraper, your go-to solution for scraping Twitter hashtags. This powerful tool combines blazing-fast speed with advanced data extraction capabilities, making it perfect for social media analysts, marketers, and researchers.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 38 monthly users

  • No reviews yet


  • >99% runs succeeded

  • 4.5 hours response time

  • Created in Nov 2024

  • Modified 4 days ago



A hashtag ,like #btc

sentiment analysis


Analyze the provided tweet and identify the primary

tone (Positive, Negative, Neutral, Humorous, Sarcastic, Enthusiastic, Angry, Informative)

sentiment (Positive, Negative, Neutral).

Note: The analysis may take longer when checked.

Start Time


Specify the datetime (yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss_UTC,2024-10-20_23:59:59_UTC),Returns tweets sent after the given date.

End Time


Specify the datetime (yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss_UTC,2024-10-20_23:59:59_UTC),Returns tweets sent before the given date.

Cookies(please enter your twitter cookie)


Cookies are used to authorize the actor with twitter

You can input multiple cookies, and when one cookie rate limit is set, it will automatically switch to another cookie to continue to capture data.

Follow these steps to get the cookies:

  1. Install Cookie-Editor chrome extension
  2. Login to your twitter account
  3. Click on the extension and Export As 'Headers String' and export the twitter cookies
  4. Paste the copied contents here.


Sort By


Sorts search results by the given option.

Value options:

"Top": string"Latest": string

Default value of this property is "Latest"

Maximum number of items on output


Maximum number of items that you want as output.

Default value of this property is 10

Minimum retweets


Returns tweets with at least the given number of retweets.

Default value of this property is 0

Minimum Likes


Returns tweets with at least the given number of Likes.

Default value of this property is 0

Minimum Replies


Returns tweets with at least the given number of replies.

Default value of this property is 0




Value options:

"am": string"ar": string"bg": string"bn": string"bo": string"ca": string"ch": string"cs": string"da": string"de": string"dv": string"el": string"en": string"es": string"et": string"fa": string"fi": string"fr": string"gu": string"hi": string"ht": string"hu": string"hy": string"in": string"is": string"it": string"iu": string"iw": string"ja": string"ka": string"km": string"kn": string"ko": string"lo": string"lt": string"lv": string"ml": string"my": string"ne": string"nl": string"no": string"or": string"pa": string"pl": string"pt": string"ro": string"ru": string"si": string"sk": string"sl": string"sv": string"ta": string"te": string"th": string"tl": string"tr": string"uk": string"ur": string"vi": string"zh": string

Only verified users


If checked then returns tweets by users who are verified.

Only Twitter Blue


If checked then returns tweets by users who are Twitter Blue subscribers.