Google Ads Scraper
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Google Ads Scraper
1 day trial then $30.00/month - No credit card required now
Extract text, image and video ads from Google Ads, scraped from the ad library provided by Google Ads Transparency Center. Gain access to ad details, ad copy, locations, and more. Dive deeper into the Google Ads Transparency Center for a competitive edge.
For example, on run: g6PWNXbTAjbndiKsh
This is an item: {"advertiserId"=>"AR13496883462950354945", "creativeId"=>"CR15990006700039995393", "creativeRegions"=>["United States"], "format"=>"IMAGE", "previewUrl"=>"", "regionStats"=>[{"regionCode"=>"US", "regionName"=>"United States"}], "variations"=> [{"description"=>"Explore Season's Best\nNissan Sales Using\nTrending Searches From\nThe Web", "headline"=>"The New Stunning\nNissan Lineup", "imageUrl"=>"https:/$csp%3Darchive$/5242907063587683993/1pnplsa7z5pwi.png"}, {"description"=>"The 2022 Nissan Lineup\nIs Turning Heads.\nDiscover Sales Using Top\nSearches.", "headline"=>"The New Stunning\nNissan Lineup", "imageUrl"=>"https:/$csp%3Darchive$/9087883928648488423/1pnplsa7z5pwi.png"}, {"description"=>"Explore Season's Best\nNissan Sales Using\nTrending Searches From\nThe Web", "headline"=>"The New Stunning\nNissan Lineup", "imageUrl"=>"https:/$csp%3Darchive$/8458049689216457341/2pa8piu3nmfhg.jpeg"}]}
This is the URL on Google Ads Lib:
If I click on the ad, I have:
This is an intermediate preview page that confirms your click can be successfully recorded by Google. T... [trimmed]
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Actor Metrics
89 monthly users
39 stars
>99% runs succeeded
14 hours response time
Created in Oct 2023
Modified a month ago