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Tiktok Hashtag API (with no-watermark download link)

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Tiktok Hashtag API (with no-watermark download link)

Tiktok Hashtag API (with no-watermark download link)

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3 days trial then $30.00/month - No credit card required now

Get video information list by TikTok hashtag with blazing fast API. Access real-time insights on the latest viral content. Provides no-watermark download link. Optimize your content and engage with the TikTok community using this essential API.


Unable to scrape data from multiple hashtags


predictable_pegasus opened this issue
10 months ago

Hi there, I tried out your tool and it works great. However, I am having the following issues:

  • I want to scrape data from multiple hashtags, however, it only allows to scrape from one hashtag, I tried using the following code but it doesn't seem to work. // Assuming the input is stored in a variable named input const input = { hashtags: ["topshelfgrind", "naturalrems"], limit: 10000000000009, proxyConfiguration: { useApifyProxy: true, apifyProxyGroups: [], apifyProxyCountry: "US" } };

// Validation check for 'hashtags' instead of 'name' or 'url' if (!input.hashtags || input.hashtags.length === 0) { throw new Error("No hashtags defined. Invalid Parameter."); }

// Iterating over each hashtag and performing the scraping process for (const hashtag of input.hashtags) { // Your scraping logic for each hashtag goes here console.log(Scraping hashtag: ${hashtag}); // Note: Implement the actual scraping logic in place of the console.log }

  • The reason I want to scrape them together is because if I do it separately, the columns don't seem to match.
  • the "Is ad" column only gives "false" as an answer, is that because its not working or another issue?
novi avatar

Novi (novi)

10 months ago

Thank you for your reporting. We're working on that.

novi avatar

Novi (novi)

10 months ago

Hello there, we've developed another actor that fits with your requirement. Please check it out: https://apify.com/novi/multiple-tiktok-hashtag-api

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  • Created in Jan 2023

  • Modified 6 months ago