Amazon Bestsellers Scraper
Pay $5.00 for 1,000 items
Amazon Bestsellers Scraper
Pay $5.00 for 1,000 items
Scrape the Amazon Best Sellers categories and extract details on top 100 most popular items on Amazon. Download product name, price, URL, and thumbnail image. Best used on .com,, .de, .fr, .es, and .it domains. Download your data in various formats: HTML table, JSON, CSV, Excel, and more.
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Get a demoaccording to description "besides Amazon BEst Seller categories, you can now also scrape the following Amazon categories with this scraper: Most Wished, Movers and Shakers, New Releases, and Gift Ideas" when i input it gives an error that bestsellers are not in the url. Could you please provide examples of what we can scrape and how to filter?
Hello, thank you for reaching out and the suggestion for improvements.
Example URLs for the above mentioned categories are following:
- Movers and Shakers
- New Releases
- Most Wished
- Most Gifted
We'll have these examples incorporated into the readme to help users understand better what the actors's possibilities and parameters are.
Thanks again!
Actor Metrics
67 monthly users
16 stars
98% runs succeeded
1.8 days response time
Created in Mar 2023
Modified 15 hours ago