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EURES Job Scraper

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EURES Job Scraper

EURES Job Scraper

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2 hours trial then $19.99/month - No credit card required now

Unlock the European job market with our EURES Job Scraper! Extract detailed listings from the official EU job portal, covering multiple countries and languages. Perfect for researchers, job seekers, and recruiters looking to tap into cross-border opportunities.

EURES Job Scraper 🇪🇺💼

🚀 Effortlessly scrape job listings from the European Job Mobility Portal (EURES)!

This powerful Actor allows you to extract detailed job information from EURES, the official European Union job board. Whether you're a job seeker, recruiter, or researcher, this tool provides valuable insights into the European job market.

🌟 Key Features

  • 📊 Scrape up to 10,000 job listings in one run
  • 🔍 Extract comprehensive job details including title, company, location, and more
  • 🌍 Support for multiple European countries and languages
  • 🔄 Automatic pagination handling
  • 🛡️ Built-in stealth measures to avoid detection
  • ⚡ High-performance scraping with Puppeteer

📋 Output Data

For each job listing, the Actor extracts:

  • Job ID
  • Title
  • Company name
  • Location (country and cities)
  • Posting date and last modified date
  • Number of posts
  • Job description
  • Job categories
  • Position schedule
  • Employer website and sector
  • Available languages
  • EURES flag

💡 Use Cases

  • European labor market research
  • Cross-border job opportunity analysis
  • Skill demand tracking across EU countries
  • Multilingual job search optimization
  • EU employment policy impact assessment

🚦 Getting Started

  1. Enter the EURES search URL for your desired job category and location
  2. Set the maximum number of results you want to scrape
  3. Optionally configure proxy settings for enhanced performance

Let this Actor do the heavy lifting while you focus on analyzing valuable European job market data! 🎉👨‍💼👩‍💼🇪🇺

Input Example

A full explanation of an input example in JSON.

2    "searchUrl": "",
3    "maxItems": 100

Output sample

The results will be wrapped into a dataset which you can always find in the Storage tab. Here's an excerpt from the data you'd get if you apply the input parameters above:

And here is the same data but in JSON. You can choose in which format to download your data: JSON, JSONL, Excel spreadsheet, HTML table, CSV, or XML.

2	{
3		"jobId": "MTA2NzAwMDAgNDQx",
4		"title": "AI Architect",
5		"company": "Mutalité Saint-Michel",
6		"location": "BE: ",
7		"postDate": 1710241244799,
8		"lastModifiedDate": 1710241244799,
9		"numberOfPosts": 1,
10		"description": "\n        <p>Vous rejoindrez l’équipe pluridisciplinaire DACE (Data Analytics Centre of Excellence), composée d’une quarantaine de personnes qui réalisent notamment des missions de business intelligence et de data science. Cette équipe est en pleine expansion. Elle travaille à la fois en mode run (tâches opérationnelles) et en mode projet (partager de nouvelles données).</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p><strong>Devenez l’architecte IA de La Mutualité chrétienne !</strong></p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Vous êtes à la recherche d’un job stimulant dans lequel vous pourrez concevoir, mettre en œuvre et superviser l’architecture IA &amp; ICT au sein de l’organisation&nbsp;? Vous êtes un véritable leader avec de vastes connaissances en data science, en gestion d’équipe et en gestion de projets&nbsp;? Alors ce poste d’architecte AI au sein des Mutualités chrétiennes est fait pour vous&nbsp;!</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>En tant qu’architecte IA, vous serez chargé de&nbsp;:</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Créer et mettre en œuvre des architectures IA et ICT qui s’alignent sur la stratégie de l’organisation et peuvent être améliorées en permanence</li>\n<li>Coacher les équipes projet dans la mise en œuvre de ces architectures et suivre les progrès accomplis.</li>\n<li>Identifier les besoins des différents domaines business et harmoniser l’architecture processus et ICT en conséquence.</li>\n<li>Conseiller et inspirer le chef de l’équipe IA et le directeur DACE sur les principes de l’intelligence des données.</li>\n<li>Rendre compte et consulter le directeur du Data Intelligence Competence Center of Excellence et d’autres stakeholders sur l’état des projets, des avis, etc.</li>\n</ul>\n      ",
11		"jobCategories": [
12			"",
13			"",
14			"",
15			""
16		],
17		"positionSchedule": [],
18		"employerWebsite": null,
19		"employerSector": [],
20		"availableLanguages": [
21			"fr"
22		],
23		"euresFlag": false
24	},
25	{
26		"jobId": "ZDY5Zjk2YjMtY2E1OC00NTc0LWE2NmYtMTNhMjExZTYyYmZjIDI2MQ",
27		"title": "Prosper AI søker AI-Ingeniør",
28		"company": "PROSPER AI AS",
29		"location": "NO: ",
30		"postDate": 1727414504189,
31		"lastModifiedDate": 1727414504189,
32		"numberOfPosts": 1,
33		"description": "For fullstendig annonsetekst, se annonsen hos <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a>.",
34		"jobCategories": [
35			"",
36			""
37		],
38		"positionSchedule": [
39			"fulltime"
40		],
41		"employerWebsite": null,
42		"employerSector": [],
43		"availableLanguages": [
44			"no"
45		],
46		"euresFlag": false
47	},
48    ...
Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 3 monthly users

  • 0 No stars yet

  • >99% runs succeeded

  • Created in Oct 2024

  • Modified 3 months ago
