eBay Scraper
3 days trial then $50.00/month - No credit card required now
eBay Scraper
3 days trial then $50.00/month - No credit card required now
Unofficial eBay API to extract data from eBay based on keywords or categories. Scrape prices, product descriptions, images, location, availability, brand, and more. Download extracted data in structured format and use it in reports, spreadsheets, databases, and applications.
Should be 8,800+ items only scraping less then 10 https://api.apify.com/v2/logs/9aEGOW8BTUqeuzY2K
Plz share the run
See attached
Plz share the run. Not the log. You will see the button "Share" on the top right.
I see your input ""maxItems": 10". Please increase this input.
Still only scraped 520 items not scraping all here is the run https://console.apify.com/view/runs/u83QQsmShVp8inRp7
If you are at US, you should use US proxy because the ship location is detected automatically by current IP. Different ship location will return different search results.
I am using US IP
"proxyConfig": { "useApifyProxy": true },
It's not always US IP.
You may use below proxy to run the actor.
"proxyConfig": { "useApifyProxy": true, "apifyProxyGroups": [ "RESIDENTIAL" ], "apifyProxyCountry": "US" },
I checkboxed residential IP but now showing 1.7k results of 8k+ https://console.apify.com/view/runs/T8qNfLwtcLZP2zieG
Try to rerun many times. I think there are some issues related to the website at that time. It's also better to filter the less results than 8,800+.
Actor Metrics
46 monthly users
19 stars
>99% runs succeeded
11 hours response time
Created in Oct 2021
Modified 11 hours ago