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Advanced Product Hunt Scraper

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Advanced Product Hunt Scraper

Advanced Product Hunt Scraper

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Scrape product hunt "Top Products Launching Today" section. Actor crawls products and extracts information about the product: title, description, categories, images, maker info with contact links and website info with raw text and email. Export scraped datasets in JSON, csv, etc. Run via API.




saravana.kumar opened this issue
15 days ago

You can improve the functionality with a few little tweaks.

Currently, you are scraping everything. Instead, you can add a couple more parameters.

  1. Products with more than 100 votes.
  2. Top 10 products of the day.
  3. Return only contact details not the entire website content - this makes the dataset bigger.
danpoletaev avatar

Hi 👋

Thank you for your valuable feedback! I’ve reviewed your suggestions and implemented the changes to improve the scraping functionality. Below are the updates:

  1. You can now filter products by the minimum amount of upvotes. Use "filter.minVotes" to set minimum amount of upvotes.
  2. You can now crawl only top N amount of products. Use "filter.topNProducts" to set the amount of products to crawl.
  3. If you set "saveWebsiteContent" to false - we'll not save website content to the dataset. We'll only save email.

Here’s the updated configuration for your reference:

{ "scrapeMakers": true, "scrapeWebsite": true, "archiveDate": "2024-05-15", // Date of the day you want to scrape in the format YYYY-MM-DD. If not provided, the scraper will scrape the current day. "filter": { // Filter is optional - if you don't pass it, we'll crawl all products for the following day "minVotes": 100, // Filter products by the minimum amount of upvotes "topNProducts": 10, // Take top N amount of products }, "saveWebsiteContent": true, // Set to true, if you want to set the content of the product's website to websiteRawText. This leads to a much bigger dataset. }

Also, you can check the documentation here:

Important note: to avoid making breaking changes. By default we scrape all products and save website content to the dataset.

I am closing the issue. Let me know if you'll face any problems. 🙏

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  • 24 monthly users

  • 10 stars

  • 99% runs succeeded

  • 1.2 days response time

  • Created in Feb 2024

  • Modified 8 days ago