Advanced Product Hunt Scraper
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Advanced Product Hunt Scraper
3 days trial then $15.00/month - No credit card required now
Scrape product hunt "Top Products Launching Today" section. Actor crawls products and extracts information about the product: title, description, categories, images, maker info with contact links and website info with raw text and email. Export scraped datasets in JSON, csv, etc. Run via API.
Actor fails with multiple inputs in play
Sorry for late reply. Can you, please, send me the inputs you were sending?
Thanks, Dan
I've tried with all(multiple) inputs and it worked fine. Without logs there is not much I can do about it.
Closing the issue.
In case it will happen again, let me know 🙏
Does this help?
Hi there 👋
Thanks for sharing the link! According to the data, the actor didn’t fail. There are 134 results in the dataset. Sometimes, you might see errors in the logs, but that doesn’t necessarily mean something has failed. For example, if we can’t access a product’s website because it’s no longer active, it will show as an error, but that’s just part of the process.
Anyway, I did notice an issue with crawling the maker data. I’ve fixed it, and I hope everything is working smoothly for you now.
Please let me know if you run into any other issues.
Thanks, Dan
Actor Metrics
24 monthly users
10 stars
99% runs succeeded
1.2 days response time
Created in Feb 2024
Modified 8 days ago