Linkedin company scraper avatar

Linkedin company scraper

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Linkedin company scraper

Linkedin company scraper

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1 day trial then $10.00/month - No credit card required now

This linkedin company extractor program gives you all available information several companies in bulk including name, address, phone numbers, website, employee count, etc


Scraper sometimes gets stuck

stefan_stanev opened this issue
8 months ago

When using it sometimes it just stucks in one place and stops retrieving information ahlfway through the execution. I use the scraper in batches of (500-5000) and relatively often I need to abort the execution when it has scarped let's say 500/1800 and when I run it again - it works. Is that sometimes that could happen so I need to handle it internally or is a bug?

Example run - rS7MEcBOnLOGKkFVh

curious_coder avatar

Hi, Thanks for opening the issue and helping me to make this actor better. Let me check and get back to you

curious_coder avatar

Sent and update that might fix this issue, If it happens again, create new issue

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 61 monthly users


  • 75% runs succeeded

  • 2.8 days response time

  • Created in Jun 2023

  • Modified 7 months ago
