Trustpilot reviews scraper
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Trustpilot reviews scraper
7 days trial then $10.00/month - No credit card required now
Easily filter and extract thousands of reviews with data such as title, description, score, reviewer, country, company response, and much more from companies on and download them to multiple file formats.
Is there a way to filter by country when scraping?
Hi Kelly,
Unfortunately this feature has not been implemented yet. I will do my best to get it implemented soon as there are a bunch of features I expect to release soon which will include your suggestion 🙂 In the mean time I suggest that you scrape with the current filtering options and then filter the data based on the "ReviewerCountry" field/column, which I intend to add as an additional filter with the mentioned updates. I will give you an update when this has been implemented.
Thank you for the quick reply! Looking forward to seeing this feature :)
Hi Kelly,
Glad to be of service 😌
Just a follow up question. Do you need to filter based on the registered location on the page of a company on or do you need to filter based on the registered location of the reviewer? My assumption is the reviewer.
yup it’s of the reviewer!
I have released a new version with a lot of bug fixes, so I will look into the possibility of adding this filtering option and get back to you 😊
Hi! I was wondering if this works now. I tried to pull German reviews unsuccessfully. I am using "filterByLanguage": "de" and "filterByCountryOfReviewers": "de", but neither are pulling the german reviews.
{ "dev_dataset_clear": false, "dev_dataset_enable": false, "dev_transform_enable": false, "include_article_content": false, "no_parse": false, "endAtPageNumber": 125, "companyWebsite": "", "sortBy": "recency", "onlyExtractCompanyInformation": "false", "filterByStarRating": "", "filterByLanguage": "", "filterByVerified": "", "filterByCountryOfReviewers": "de", "startFromPageNumber": 1 }
Thanks for replying back.
I will look into the cause of the problem. Language filter has been implemented some time ago, Country filter is new and seems it fails so I am looking into the cause of it. Both seem to fail - I have made some modifications but they are not pushed to production yet since they need more testing and the bug is not fixed yet.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Thanks for looking into this!
I have made a bunch of bug fixes now and it seems to be working now. Please let me know if you still experience issues. It is important to set "filterByCountryOfReviewers": "DE" and "filterByLanguage": "de" for example.
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Created in Aug 2022
Modified 10 days ago