Angi (Angie's List) Scraper
Angi (Angie's List) Scraper
Angi (Angie’s List) Scraper allows you to extract Angie's List companies' data. Using our search fields, you'll get general details, contact info, and reviews for market and advertising research, competitive and customer feedback analysis, product development, and business partnership.
when i was on $49 plan. I did some experiments. and the cost was coming to be $0.005 per result. When I upgraded to $499 plan and used same configurations, the cost went up to $0.01. This is getting really expensive for us. Here is the run ID (expensive): fZtvoF8KttldEQnhr Here is the run ID (cheaper): iX03xMSJVKFWucbIw
After upgrading to $499 plan, it should get cheaper. Please help us diagnose this.
Hi, could you please share the results of your run when it was 0.005 and 0.01? I'll try to check what's going on.
Results Usage $Cost per usage Run ID 14,343 44.736 0.003 khKNdIVlQXAz97kiO 3,016 38.976 0.013 ogy2KzyGw9znV2caf 8,225 76.341 0.009 NVtJg5MT0y5PFqmLf 192 3.603 0.019 MbDv3MzcCEXxkox0L 3,521 30.991 0.009 agDoranwb0Y0Y9pNg
hi, any updates here?
hello I am waiting for the response here?!!!!!
Any response here?
Actor Metrics
2 monthly users
3 stars
86% runs succeeded
85 days response time
Created in Jun 2023
Modified 6 months ago