Facebook Reviews Scraper
7 days trial then $30.00/month - No credit card required now
Facebook Reviews Scraper
7 days trial then $30.00/month - No credit card required now
Extract data from hundreds of Facebook reviews from one or multiple Facebook pages. Get review text, timestamp, review URL, likes and comments count and basic reviewer info. Download the data in JSON, CSV, Excel and use it in apps, spreadsheets, and reports.
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Get a demoHi there,
thinking about purchasing your actor. However, currently the actor does not show whether or not a facebook review is a recommendation (like so: https://cln.sh/1LdcMKw9) or not a recommendation (like so: https://cln.sh/pc8JDg9V).
Any plans to add this to your scraper?
thanks for a quick heads-up. julian
Hello Julian, thanks for your request! We've added "isRecommended" to the results.
Hi Eliska,
thanks, but not seeing it in the results yet. Let me know when that is on production so I can test before my trial runs out in 2 days.
Hey Julian, this is strange. I checked your run from today (https://console.apify.com/admin/users/ZhA3LBcxT6rQo627p/actors/runs/8q0mxsjRIJBuveP0T#storage) and saw it there: { "id": "UzpfSTEwMDAwOTg4NjUwNjA1NTo3NDY0NDEzMzU2OTU0MTA6NzQ2NDQxMzM1Njk1NDEw", "legacyId": "746441335695410", "user": { "id": "100009886506055", "name": "Vlado Baja Filipovic", "profileUrl": null, "profilePic": "https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-1/51427872_808298309509712_8742817101112147968_n.jpg?stp=cp0_dst-jpg_p40x40&_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=7206a8&_nc_ohc=FPLJd0wXiNMAX_HvYSA&_nc_ht=scontent-lax3-1.xx&oh=00_AfAVXotPtsX69_BOytuU6zfh8l_ME8f4hXOVe-QJt1DSng&oe=63FF274D" }, "date": "2017-12-16T05:06:31.000Z", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/brokerfv/posts/pfbid02nwpPdPY2TjogCS33ZTPmjuMwDPEtdxphUChBMP1N1eE5XLbsiULz3EmYWhB7m9H9l", "isRecommended": true, "likesCount": 0, "commentsCount": 0, "facebookUrl": "https://www.facebook.com/LangImmo" },
Actor Metrics
45 monthly users
22 stars
>99% runs succeeded
49 days response time
Created in Nov 2022
Modified a day ago