🏯 Youtube Channel Scraper (Pay Per Result)
Pay $0.50 for 1,000 videos
🏯 Youtube Channel Scraper (Pay Per Result)
Pay $0.50 for 1,000 videos
The perfect tool for exceptional YouTube channel video retrieval tool. Experience unparalleled quickness and thoroughness in searching and directly obtaining videos from channels. Furthermore, it's incredibly affordable at only $0.50 per 1000 videos!
Hello, Whenever I try to put Video link into Start URLs field, i get this and nothing is returned.
2024-11-03T07:35:02.956Z ACTOR: Pulling Docker image of build yC8vFeUEKrbVg52UY from repository. 2024-11-03T07:35:06.852Z ACTOR: Creating Docker container. 2024-11-03T07:35:06.885Z ACTOR: Starting Docker container. 2024-11-03T07:35:11.613Z INFO System info {"apifyVersion":"3.1.11","apifyClientVersion":"2.8.0","crawleeVersion":"3.5.6","osType":"Linux","nodeVersion":"v18.20.4"} 2024-11-03T07:35:11.620Z INFO PHASE -- STARTING ACTOR. 2024-11-03T07:35:12.174Z INFO PHASE -- SETTING UP CRAWLER. 2024-11-03T07:35:12.217Z INFO The actor will retrieve 5 items. 2024-11-03T07:35:12.219Z WARN Unsupported URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4msr3Ul34U 2024-11-03T07:35:12.219Z WARN Unsupported URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4veTNJ0Qgfc 2024-11-03T07:35:12.222Z WARN Unsupported URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHXb92PAIa0 2024-11-03T07:35:12.222Z INFO PHASE -- CRAWLER STARTED.
This actor is only working for youtube channels, not for youtube videos. Please refer to the documentation/readme.
Your own documentation says "Paste the YouTube URLs":
"startUrls - array - Paste the YouTube URLs, and get the results immediately. Channel URLs are supported"
However neither video URL nor Channel URL are working. I getting this and zero results:
2024-10-20T20:57:28.879Z WARN Unsupported URL: https://www.youtube.com/@Moojiji ... 2024-11-03T07:30:02.108Z WARN Unsupported URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4msr3Ul34U ...
Runs: https://console.apify.com/actors/YiWfW0UmqgwId9pdH/runs/FrRQm37hRKpE3kbO8#log https://console.apify.com/actors/YiWfW0UmqgwId9pdH/runs/gri4OrXggOYe566Ec#log
As mentioned in the documentation, you need to use channel URLs and channel URLs look like this > https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsXVk37bltHxD1rDPwtNM8Q
Actor Metrics
27 monthly users
13 stars
84% runs succeeded
13 hours response time
Created in Dec 2023
Modified a day ago