🏯 Tweet Scraper V2 (Pay Per Result) - X / Twitter Scraper avatar

🏯 Tweet Scraper V2 (Pay Per Result) - X / Twitter Scraper

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🏯 Tweet Scraper V2 (Pay Per Result) - X / Twitter Scraper

🏯 Tweet Scraper V2 (Pay Per Result) - X / Twitter Scraper

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Pay $0.40 for 1,000 tweets

⚡️ Lightning-fast search, URL, list, and profile scraping, with customizable filters. At $0.30 per 1000 tweets, and 30-80 tweets per second, it is ideal for researchers, entrepreneurs, and businesses! Get comprehensive insights from Twitter (X) now!


scraper charged me but returned no results


pakmandesign opened this issue
23 days ago

I scraped a large amount of handles where I specified that I want only one result, but all of them returned with 10 result and I was charged for it.

Not only that, all of which returned with no tweets, when there are tweets in the profile.

Here is an example handle: AAlommia

You can see the log in the actor run url


apidojo avatar


As mentioned in the logs, you got ratelimitted automatically due to misuse. You are either doing too may requests or monitoring activities or both. Monitoring activities are not allowed, which is mentioned in the documentation of the actor. Can you please let us know about your use-case in details?




23 days ago

I'm not monitoring activities. I'm only pulling one tweets per handle off a large list of handles (400k). Since there's no way with the actor to do this in one run, I'm running it via the api where each call is for one handle and then i'm tying the call id to each handle, storing it inside a csv. However, I didn't hit any error message nor was my actor stopped the entire time thus continue to be charged for pulling nothing

apidojo avatar


This falls under misuse (monitoring) and unfortunately it is not allowed. One of the main reasons for your case is, when you fetch a single tweet with a run, we make a negative margin. The cost of the run is actually greater than what you are paying so our actor automatically detects this and ratelimits you. In pay per result actors, developers (us) are responsible for the cost of the runs so when we start to make a negative margin. I hope this explains.

For the actors, it is very common to return noResults response and it is up to you to check and act acordingly.




23 days ago

If running one tweet makes a negative margin for you guys, why do you allow it in the setting? I would say that In this case you made a nice profit by letting the actor just keep running.

apidojo avatar


I couldn't understand what you meant by nice profit, the actor is $0,3/1000 tweets :D Can you please send us the run IDs where you had the issue? We will reimburse that nice payment back to you.


Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 1.6k monthly users
  • 276 stars
  • 99.0% runs succeeded
  • 6.1 hours response time
  • Created in Nov 2023
  • Modified about 23 hours ago